Model.: RADSticker™
Product Description
RADSticker™ peel & stick, postage stamp sized, instant color developing dosimeter, is always ready and with you 24/7, stuck onto the back of your driver’s license or anything you keep close, for any future radiation emergency.
Non-electrical, reliable, rugged and useful for determining radiation exposure and if medical treatment required in a major radiological incident, such as a nuclear or dirty bomb explosion, nuclear power plant accident or mishandled radiation sources. "Based on information available to the NRC, an average of approximately 375 sources or devices of all kinds are reported lost or stolen each year in the U.S. -- that is, roughly one per day.
RADSticker™ can help you to minimize additional radiation exposure to As Low As Reasonably Achievable, ideally, well less than 100 rads, as that's 100% survivable for healthy adults, if not exceeded. "Very few of those receiving acute doses (received within 24 hours) of less than 100 R would become sick, even briefly." However, govt agencies advise radiation workers to try to limit their normal exposure to 5 rad per year and 25 rad for lifetime and emergency workers to 50 rad. (Limits lower for children & fetuses.)
Wider public adoption of RADStickers™ will empower First-Responders then to quickly triage those actually exposed in need of medical attention, from the sea of people who will naturally feel sick just from worry and fear of radiation exposure during a crisis without a RADSticker™ to tell them otherwise. RADStickers™ both quell public fear & panic and allows our First-Responders and medical resources to then focus where most urgently needed.
RADSticker™ is made under U.S. Patents #7, 227, 158; 7, 476, 874 and others. The technology was developed with multimillion dollar funding from several U.S. agencies, such as DHS, DOD, DOJ, DOS, DHHS and TSWG and was field tested by the DHS with 800 first responders in the.